
Kindred banner3

When naming our collections and garments, I always try to weave in stories and anecdotes which have been profound and formative at the time of their release. I have named previous pieces after patients of mine who made an impact on my life as well as after victims of gender-based violence in the face of our ongoing struggle as womxn in South Africa and worldwide.

This new range comes at a particularly curious moment in time – during a global pandemic and at a time of our collective “resurrection”, if you will. It’s as though we have all just emerged from a strange parallel universe or a bizarre dream and we are only just picking ourselves up and dusting ourselves off as we enter back into this new normal we all find ourselves in.

Whenever times were tough in my life, mom would say “you can’t enjoy a warm bath if you haven’t been really cold” or “a glass of water if you haven’t been really thirsty”. And I think that’s exactly how we are all feeling – like the sunsets on a mountain are that much more colourful and the drinks with friends at your favourite restaurant is filled with that much more joy. And, above all else, that realization that we were never meant to do it alone. That we were designed to dance in fields with friends and laugh until sunrise and open crackers with our family in silly plastic crowns after too much Christmas trifle. And in the end, that’s what it’s all about. Raw and real and unadultered connection with those around us.

Our tribe. Our clan. Our people.

Our Kindred spirits.

“A kindred spirit is someone that, from the very first moment you meet, you have a feeling that they understand everything about you, and you understand them. ... But don't confuse kindred spirits with lifelong friends. Some kindred spirits enter our lives for even just a moment”.